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Why is the quick trace-back of swine important?

Animal health officials need to identify and locate all affected swine, facilities and vehicles during a disease outbreak or food safety issue.  Improving the response time will reduce the overall negative impact to the pork sector.

Who must report swine movement information?

All custodians of swine and carcasses are responsible to report the necessary information to PigTRACE Canada.  Reporting can be delegated to a third party, such as a head office, marketer or transporter; however, the responsibility remains with the custodian.

How is swine movement information reported?

Information can be reported directly to the secure PigTRACE database, which is accessible by login through the program website at www.pigtrace.ca or by phone at our toll-free number 1-866-300-1825.  New reporting tools will continually be assessed and developed to respond to industry's needs, and to ensure reporting is as easy and accurate as possible.

When must the national ear tag be used?

The national ear tags are intended to be used on all swine destined for an auction or fair, all bred swine being shipped from one farm to another farm, as well as all swine being imported into Canada. PigTRACE Canada ear tags are not intended for use in species other than swine.

Do I have to keep movement records?

Every person who is required to report swine movement information must maintain a record of the shipment for five years.